2017 Annual General Meeting
The Trust’s 2017 Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday 30 November, 7pm for 7:30pm start in the Grey Hospitality Suite at the Phillips 66 Community Stadium. All are welcome, members and non-members alike. The bar in the main club house will be open, if anyone wishes to take refreshments through to the Hospitality Suite.
During the evening we’ll hear from Chairman Nick Rogers on what the Trust has worked on in the last year and the plans for the year ahead. There will be Trust board elections, a review of the annual audited accounts, and an update on membership. There will also be ample opportunity to discuss whatever you’d like to discuss, be it queries on current activities or ideas for the future. The Trust is Your organisation and we welcome any and all input.
We’re always looking for more people to get involved with the team, and if you’d like to get involved with the Trust then please have a chat with Nick Rogers or Peter Davis on a matchday. Alternatively you can drop us an email on info@brakestrust.com.
You can download a copy of the full 2017 AGM Notice here:
We look forward to seeing you on the night.
Nick Hallworth
Secretary, Brakes Trust
On behalf of the Brakes Trust board:
Nick Rogers, Chairman
Peter Davis, Vice Chairman
Adrian Barton
Andrew Calcutt
Graham Hobbins