Author: Nick Hallworth

July News

Boost Your Club, Membership, Leamington Night Shelter and Share In Our Club.

2019 Annual General Meeting

The Trust’s 2019 AGM will be on Thursday 5 December at 7:30pm in the Grey Hospitality Suite at the Phillips 66 Community Stadium. All welcome!

Care UK sponsoring Saturday’s match

Care UK will be sponsoring Saturday’s match against Spennymoor, and one of the residents coming along will be Ivy Merrick, widow of Gill Merrick who played for Birmingham City and England in the Fifties....

Proposed Leamington FC Community Stadium

Proposed stadium move update

The Trust team recently had a meeting with Leamington FC board member Russell Davis for an update on the potential ground move and Gypsy and Traveller (GT) site…

Jacqui Forster

The Brakes Trust team were saddened to learn that Jacqui Forster from Supporters’ Direct has passed away.