Join or Renew Membership Now
The Brakes are starting the new football season for 2023/34 and so Brakes Trust membership is due for renewal – which we hope you will consider doing.
The good news is that the subscription fees have been kept the same as last season £5 adult and £2 under 16 – you can renew or re-join on-line here: renew your membership for 2023/24 membership is by annual subscription, in line with the playing season.
We continue to run our Share In Our Club scheme, and when that builds to a suitable amount, we will make further share applications – so you can do your bit for the club, while being part of our democratic supporters’ trust, according to what you can afford.
We will also continue to run the Members Draw for members who have joined or renewed for the current season, the draw will start at the last home match in August (v Stratford Town on Bank Holiday Monday), so renew now to be in it.
Members get preferential booking and a discount on the Brakes Trust Minibus for home runs and away trips.
A diverse and active membership is essential for the continuation of our democratic, independent supporters organisation – so please renew and, if you can, take an active part in the Trust.
Whatever your views on how and what we do – the best way to have a positive influence is to be a member. We welcome new ideas, comments and feedback – positive or otherwise – if you have any comments or queries please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form. If you want to contribute more why not consider becoming a Trust board member.
Now that the new season is under way I should be available to take membership applications and renewals next to the PA at most home matches, ask whoeevever is on the PA or any Trust board member/officer if I’m not around. Alternatively you can also renew your membership online here:
Thanks to positive feedback, digital membership cardsare now issued as a downloadable PDF file which can be easily viewed and shown on a smartphone – this also means you get your card quicker and saves on plastic. Physical membership cards will still be available on request.
The Trust has now been going for thirteen years, there’s a summary of what we’ve managed to achieve in the first ten of those at Ten Years After – please help us to do more of the same – this is only possible thanks to you, our members. We welcome your ideas and feedback and thank you sincerely for your support.