The MiniBus is available for hire to associated or community groups.
We have to cover the cost of running the Minibus and we have certain restrictions as to who can drive it because of insurance cover and operating under a Section 19 Standard Permit. This permit allows us to legally charge our own passengers, Trust members and those for whom the Trust exists to benefit, but not the general public.
If a group of Brakes Trust members, driver and passengers, wish to use the minibus for a trip, then we may be able to organise it as a Brakes Trust ticketed event – which could then operate under the terms of our insurance and permits. Please enquire via the contact form below. The driver would need to meet the requirements below.
Anyone else hiring the minibus MUST arrange their own temporary minibus insurance as our insurance only covers our own use or by associated or community groups and does not cover use by anyone else especially where there is any hint of ‘hire or reward’.
Hirers can arrange Temporary Minibus Insurance online – for instance:
Provided the Minibus is being used for Non – Profit purposes and is not used for extended Social Domestic and Pleasure use (e.g. not used by one person to take their family on holiday) then our own insurance covers use by associated or community groups – our hire charges are calculated to cover ongoing running costs.
We don’t have a volunteer driver scheme as such, so the hirer would usually have to have their own volunteer driver(s) – who must be valid member(s) of the Brakes Trust and subject to the requirements listed below.
Please note that the minibus is only available for hire within the UK – the legislation regarding drivers is much stricter in mainland Europe – see note below ***.
The MiniBus would have to be collected from and returned to the New Windmill Ground by prior arrangement.
See the bookings calendar below
We have an easily calculated set of charges – payable in full on return:
Deposit: £250 (cheque – returnable at end of hire if all conditions met).
Part Day hire (up to 5 hours):
- Hire fee £25
- + £5 per hour
- + £2.00* or one Litre of diesel per 5 miles – OR returned topped up to same level/range at start
Whole and Multiple Day hire:
*subject to change without notice – due to current fuel price volatility.
All drivers must:
- Be a current paid-up Trust member – it’s only £5 and easy to join
- Have a clean (in most cases just 3pts speeding is ok) full license with no medical restrictions (see here), 2 years minimum category D (minibus) – or category B (car) – but only when driving for Trust passengers under our Section 19 Permit – see here
- Be a volunteer (i.e. not be paid)
- Have their driving license verified beforehand using DVLA’s view and share driving licence details at -so we need the last 8 chars of your driving license number and the DVLA share code.
- Be aged 25-69 (this range is a combination of the requirements of both our insurance and the Section 19 permit) – so we need your date of birth (which will be kept confidential).
- Agree to be peer vetted and given guidance.
- All drivers are required to inform us if anything changes, such as any medical conditions, new endorsements (penalty points, e.g. for speeding), or are disqualified from driving.
Hire and Usage Conditions:
Any damage or mess to be paid for, our decision is final.
The hirer is responsible for providing their own insurance, all consequential costs, fines, charges etc – including (but not limited to) tolls, accident, breakdown, recovery, insurance excess, speeding, parking, motoring fines, congestion charges, Low Emission Zone Penalty Charges and any other fines or charges. Penalty points will be assigned to hirer’s driver.*
Can be paid by cash, cheque, bank transfer or PayPal (4% surcharge for PayPal).
The Brakes Trust policy is that the minibus operation has to be self funding and not operated for profit, but with the Trust covering the capital cost, depreciation cost and exceptional costs (such as unexpected MoT costs etc) of the vehicle until they can be recouped over time. To that end minibus trips are not subsidised in any other way from our limited funds – nor does the minibus operation contribute to funds for any other purpose.
Any third party group not associated with the Brakes Trust would have to get their own Section 19 permit if they intend to charge their passengers. This can be done via the Community Transport Association.
The MiniBus has 16 passenger seats (or 12 plus one wheelchair passenger via a stowable ramp by prior arrangement – please call well in advance as we have to remove and store four seats to accommodate the wheelchair). The wheelchair ramp must NOT be removed as this would invalidate both insurance and the use of the Section 19 permit due to the max gross weight of the minibus (4.25 tonnes).
Please contact us for further information :: download Hire Agreement Form.
* The maximum speed limits in the UK for a minibus are:
- Motorway 70 mph
- Dual Carriageway 60 mph
- Single Carriageway 50 mph
- Built-up area 30 mph
N.B. The minibus is fitted with a mandatory speed limiter with a maximum of 62 mph and must be driven with this in mind.
* It is the hirer’s responsibility to check whether their route includes places where there are congestion charges, low emission restrictions and/or charges, tolls and any other such circumstances where charges, fines or penalty fees could be incurred. For instance, at the time of writing, the current minibus (WJ16NXT) is chargeable in the London Congestion Charge zone and the London Ultra Low Emission Zone.
* In all cases our decision is final.
Current Bookings
– in addition to Leamington FC match days:
MiniBus Hire Enquiry Form
Please enter your enquiry.
Alternatively call 01926 671 412.
*** notes restricting driving minibuses in mainland Europe:
Current Driving Licence with Appropriate Entitlement
To drive a minibus abroad drivers must hold a current driving licence, and be at least 21 years of age. However, there are specific problems for most UK drivers once they take a minibus abroad.
In the EU it is standard for all minibus drivers to take a further test to drive minibuses. This is known as a PCV (Passenger Carrying Vehicle) test. Exemptions from this test in the UK do not apply in the EU. The difficulties for drivers will depend on when the driver passed his/her test and on whether the trip is for “hire or reward”.
Drivers who took their driving test before January 1st 1997
These drivers automatically received category D1 (minibus) entitlement, but with a restriction (coded 1 or 101), that allowed them to drive a minibus, but not “for hire or reward”. (Drivers with licences issued before 1990 may only have the letters A and E on their licence; A entitlement includes restricted D1, but see below.)
In the UK, there is a system of permits (Sections 19 and 22 in Great Britain; Section 10B in N Ireland) which overrides the restriction, and does in fact allow these drivers to operate for hire and reward, providing no profit is made. These permits have no validity outside the UK. The driver is therefore qualified purely in terms of what is on his/her licence document.
Hire or Reward
“Hire or Reward” embraces any payment (in money or kind), which gives a person a right, or expectation, to be carried regardless of whether a profit is made or not. This payment may be a direct payment made by the person themselves, or on their behalf – such as a fare, a grant or even a donation to the operator. It may include other things in addition to the cost of travel – e.g. membership fees, grants, payments for access to specific events etc.
This definition covers the majority of trips by schools, colleges, community and sports groups. In such cases, therefore, the driver(s) will need to take a second driving test on a minibus, known as a PCV or Passenger Carrying Vehicle test, in order to remove the restriction on their DI entitlement. The cost of PCV tests can be in excess of £900, and since two drivers may be required, trip organisers may have to consider a number of alternatives:
– Using one or more vehicles with less than 9 passenger seats (excluding the driver)
– Finding existing PCV drivers to participate on the trip
– Using public transport in the country (-ies) concerned
– Cancelling the trip