‘Share in Our Club’ Scheme

Share in Our Club logo

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Have you ever dreamed of having a more direct say in what happens at your football club and being able to make a difference when it comes to the big decisions?

Of course you have. As a supporter, you have your own opinion on how things should be done. Problem is, you feel that you will never have the power or the money to buy shares and influence the club board. But now you can do something. The situation has changed.

Here’s what you can do. By giving any amount you wish towards the new “Share in our Club” scheme you will help the Brakes Trust purchase shares in the club, giving the Trust a bigger stake in the club and thereby influence policy.

Peter Davis

Peter Davis, the Brakes Trust Chairman, says: “Any fan can now feel that they own a bit of the club by donating as little as just one or two pounds a month to the Trust. The idea is that with their help the Trust will purchase more shares, giving supporters a real say in how the club is run.”

We have set up a ring-fenced fund which is dedicated to LFC Ltd share purchases – we 100% guarantee that any donations to this fund will only be used for the Trust to buy shares in the club, on a regular basis.

For the purposes of clarity – the contributor will not receive the actual LFC shares; the donation will purely be for the Trust to buy and hold the shares. Nevertheless, the money will be donated directly to the club, benefiting club finances whilst strengthening the bond with the Trust.

So, how can I join?

Donate once or on a monthly basis by PayPal or card – using this button:

Or if you want to donate a substantial amount and avoid the PayPal charges contact us using our contact form.

To download a copy of the flier for the Share in Our Club scheme, CLICK HERE.
Alternatively – do you already own shares in LFC Ltd?

If so, we now have a way for you to transfer some of your shares to the Brakes Trust, if you wish. Quite a few people have already asked us how to put their shares to good use with the Trust rather than just collecting dust on a shelf. We now have a simple procedure, and you can transfer any number of your shares – the Trust will be very grateful for any number no matter how few!

Paul Sandison

Paul Sandison says:
“I transferred most of my shares to the Trust because I believe it will give the supporters a greater voice”.

How do I do it?

1. Download the application form from HERE, fill it in and post it to the Trust Secretary.
2. He will attach it to a new share application from the Trust and post to the Leamington FC Treasurer.
3. The Treasurer at Leamington FC will cancel your share ownership and provide the same number of new shares into Trust ownership.
4. The Brakes Trust will contact the applicant to confirm the transfer is complete once the new shares have been received by the Brakes Trust.

It’s that simple.
And even if you’d only like to transfer one or two shares to the Trust, it would be greatly appreciated.


Why should I transfer my shares to the Trust?
The Trust is about three things: the fans, the club and the community. Ownership of Leamington FC shares by the Trust encompasses all three of these areas, putting part of the club ownership into the hands of the fans, in the wider community. Over time, the Trust aims to prove itself as a worthy and stable guardian of these shares, for the long term security of the club.

Can I transfer just some of my shares to the Trust?
Yes, of course. We understand that some people may wish to hold onto just a few shares, in order to continue to be eligible to attend the Leamington FC Ltd AGMs and to receive the accounts reports. You are entirely at liberty to transfer as many or as few of your shares as you wish – we are extremely grateful whatever the number – even just one share!

Can I instead loan my shares to the Trust?
No, but if you are interested in helping the Trust yet keeping ownership of all of your shares, you may wish to consider pledging the proxy on your shares to the Trust. This is done on an individual basis and can be for as long or as short a period of time as you wish. For further details please contact us using our contact form.

Update Aug’12:
The Trust’s recent application for £1,000 worth of LFC shares was part funded by the Share In Our Club Scheme – to the tune of £453.98 (donations included some loose change).

Update Oct’20:
This July board member Graham Hobbins’ personal cross-trainer challenge helped us donate £250 via our ‘Share In Our Club’ scheme. During July and August we supported the Club’s ‘Boost Your Club’ fundraiser with a 2020-21 membership campaign – donating most of our membership fees via our ‘Share In Our Club’ scheme. This raised a further £450 including generous additional donations from our members.

Update May’21:
A generous Brakes Trust member, who wishes to remain anonymous, has made a £3,000 share purchase in the Club – by purchasing the shares in the Trust’s name this has benefitted both Club and Trust.

Update Aug’21:
From the Trust’s 2020-21 Accounts – as of 31st May 2021 the Trust owns 785 shares in the Club [there is a £10 premium on the purchase of club shares].

Update Jan’22:
The fund for further share purchases stands at £151.75. Donations are always welcome – see top of this page.

Update May’24:
Thanks to continued generous donations from our members, the fund now stands at £300, so we’re purchasing a further 30 shares [there is a £10 premium on the purchase of club shares].

Update Aug’24:
Our Brakes Lottery winnings from April and further member’s donations will count towards our next donation – so please keep them coming in …
Update Sep’24:
The amount raised so far towards our next donation is just £75 shy of £500 – it would be good to hit that target sooner rather than later …


SioC Total


SioC Shares


Total Shares


Total Donated