New Season, New Opportunities

A new season is now upon us, and the club as a whole faces both exciting and challenging times back in the National League North. The Brakes Trust wishes to grasp this opportunity to refocus, re-energise, and rejuvinate.

Trust Chair Pete Davis says: “The Trust is determined to do all it can to galvanise and represent all supporters, and in turn to support the club in any way we can. We really need fresh blood to assist us in arranging and supporting activities so that we can not only maintain but greatly expand our range of projects and initiatives,  particularly out in the community”.

There’s lots of opportunities to get involved! In times past we’ve had great fun at events in town like the carnival, Peace Festival, Warwickshire Pride and Whitnash Fun Day, as well as stalls in the Royal Priors and other events. The impact of Covid sadly halted a number of local events, but we’ve been far too slow getting back to all of the community outreach. The change starts here.

We also wish to push activities that appeal to supporters such as social events, either at the club or in town. Ever see Facebook memories of our trip to Hook Norton Brewery? Or Warwick Races? Or the Copa del NWG games? Let’s get those kinds of things happening again. Infact anything for the fans, the club, and the community as a whole.

To kick off, we’re holding an online open meeting on Thursday 5th September, 7.30pm, to discuss the opportunities ahead and make some more solid plans. Absolutely everyone is invited, and we’ll post the details for joining the meeting nearer to the time on our social media channels.

Other activity, both ongoing and in the pipeline include:

  • Enhanced dialogue with the club through regular discussions including our members having direct engagement with club officials, players and staff.
  • Participating in local community events to promote increased recognition that the town of Leamington has a top-class non-league club.
  • Monitoring progress with the proposed new stadium and ensuring that the views of fans are represented as the plans progress.
  • Increasing our membership and, in particular, aiming to secure a broader base. The Trust recognises and welcomes the significance of the recent increased cohort of younger supporters attending matches.

On the latter point, the Trust’s Members and Club Liaison, Alan Turrell, emphasises: “These supporters are the future lifeblood of the club and we are encouraging them to take a leading role in determining the direction of the Trust and in participating in its activities so that they have a real voice as the club continues to move forward”.

Pete concludes: “As a Trust our aims are threefold: to support the fans, the club and the community and our ambitions for the new season embrace all of these with
the overall aim of helping to ensure that it is another successful one for Leamington FC.”

We hope as many folk as possible are able to attend the online meeting but the team can be contacted at any time with comments or suggestions, via Alan Turrell on or have a chat on a match day.

Please also follow us on Facebook and Twitter*

For the fans.. For the club.. For the Community

(*no, I’m not starting to call it X yet! Tough)