Start of the 2021/22 season

UPDATE Friday 2nd July: click here for a podcast of the online Zoom open meeting from yesterday:

On the 1st July 2021 the Brakes Trust had a meeting and Graham Moody of the Leamington FC board dropped in to answer some questions with regards to the new season, membership and ticketing queries and a number of other topics. The attendance was good and lots of questions were asked. Heres a tidied up and edited account and we apologise on behalf of everyone’s favourite PA – Graham Hobbins – for any coughing I couldn’t edit out (i got most of it). He has now learned of what a mute button does.

The BrakesCast 2nd July ’21

The Brakes Trust have been in informal talks with the club with regards to ticketing concerns and in the next few days the club will be issuing further details of the situation with regards to ongoing developments.
As you can imagine there’s much conjecture from authorities with regards to what can and can’t be done in terms of fan attendance that we sympathise with the pressures the club is in especially with pre-season and the 2021/22 season fast approaching.

If anybody has concerns please contact us and we can pass these onto the football club.

Brakes Trust News

2021 Summer Open Meeting: Thursday 1 July 8pm

The Trust is holding an online Zoom meeting this Thursday evening and we’ve decided to make it an open meeting so that any members or indeed non-members can attend. 

With the club having had their AGM last weekend, we’re sure to have a few topics of discussion. Including no doubt the potential stadium move, the proposed fee to register for the club’s ticketing system, and the shape of the club and the team moving forwards. Come along (or… log on, as it were!) and have your say. 

Join the Zoom Meeting with this link:

Meeting ID: 864 4484 7504
Passcode: MagicHat

In the meantime, we hope that everyone is staying safe and well, and we look forward to seeing you on the night.